Transform your physical products into ready-to-sell digital listings that stores can start selling immediately.
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Wilma på Stora Coop Vinsta
When we got the chance to introduce our range in a new store, their goal was to achieve 100% online availability for all in-store items—everything in-store should also be available for customers to order online. To meet this requirement, we needed to quickly and efficiently digitize all items for e-commerce.
That’s when we were introduced to Foodla. With the Foodla platform, we could seamlessly digitize our assortment for online sales in a fast and straightforward way. The professional support from Anna, who helped us get started, was invaluable. Using the Foodla platform for all e-commerce data saved us an enormous amount of time and allowed us to quickly secure the deal.
Med Foodlas hjälp kunde vi inte bara möta butikens förväntningar, utan också ta hela vårt sortiment in i e-handeln hos flera stora kedjor samtidigt. Vi är verkligen tacksamma för stödet vi har fått, och får, från Foodla!
Susanne at Dahls Bageri
Julia at ICA Maxi Botkyrka
I Foodla kvalitetssäkras artikelinformation och produktbilder för att möta branschstandard.
All information is automatically scanned for flaws in real-time and our system alerts you to any suspicious errors. Once uploaded, the product is reviewed by our quality engineers for final approval.
Through system integrations, simplifications and automation, we've cut costs, manual work and bottlenecks to get your products into the established grocery e-commerce channels quickly.
Vi är masterdata-experter och har under flera år automatiserat den dagliga driften för retailers.
Genom nära dialog med våra kunder i driften har vi utvecklat och tränat AI-modeller på enorma produktsortiment, uppnått hög automation och täta integrationer vilket gör det enkelt, snabbt och billigt att arbeta med artikeldata.
Foodla är byggt för att hantera masterdata på alla artikelnivåer, inte bara för e-handel. Plattformen gör det enkelt att digitalisera produkter inom alla sortimentskategorier och hantera all kritisk masterdata för alla nivåer. Med Foodla kan produkter säljas, hanteras och organiseras genom hela leveranskedjan – snabbt, enkelt och kostnadseffektivt.
Foodla is a SaaS-platform that makes it ridiculously easy to collect and share digital information around products for e-commerce sales. We build a digital infrastructure facilitating efficient information flows within the grocery industry and its complex structure of actors. By doing so we help the grocery industry transform and meet the changing and ever increasing demands of markets and consumers.
We are a tightly knitted team of result oriented problem solvers working with high impact challenges at large that affects the lives of millions! We believe in challenging inefficient structures and “we’ve always done it this way”-mentality. We do so with an iterative mindset and leveraging new technology and data to build a platform that scales.
Serial-entrepreneur with several years of experience within the food retail and tech industry
8+ years seasoned expert within the grocery industry, its data flows, systems and digital channels
Senior fullstack dev with 15+ years fullstack experience.
Stellar customer success expert and business developer
Serial-entrepreneur and researcher with 9 years at Stanford & MIT, currently in Boston pursuing a PhD within Artificial Intelligence
Senior Product Developer at Foodla with 10+ years experience of developing and shaping SaaS-products
10+ years experience at one of Sweden's premier retail powerhouses. Brilliant e-commerce virtuoso!
Foodla's maestro of Compliance and Quality excellence!
Senior fullstack developer
Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance
Currently looking for stellar talent in Customer Success